Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dirt makes me (even) cuter.  And cheetos don't hurt either!  Combine + Dad + Cheetos=great day!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

dual rear wheels

So, we need some shameless Deanie shots on here.  My brother pointed out that his initials, drw, are short for dual rear wheels in the auto world.  No, we didn't do it on purpose, but it almost seems fitting!
We went to a wedding last weekend in Nashville, TN for a longtime friend.  It's only fitting he wore his pearl snaps!


Oct 7, 2006

We've been married 5 years.  5 years?  No, it can't be!  Where has the time gone?  I'm so thankful for the hard-working man Ryan is and how much he loves us.

Ryan surprised me with beautiful flowers and 2 really sweet cards.  I don't need anything else, hell, I don't even need the flowers-but they sure are purdy.

That night was so very memorable and I still can't think a thing I would have changed (barring a family friend falling down and breaking her clavicle)!

5 years and 2 kiddos later, I love you more everyday dear!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Harvest 2011

We're hot and heavy into bean harvest here in west-central Indiana.  The weather has been beautiful after a slow start due to rain (after it hadn't rained all summer, naturally)!

June, our daughter is now 18 months old, and last year was her first harvest.  Here she is then:

And here she is today (so hard to believe):

She absolutely loves anything with a steering wheel-she really is her father's daughter!  They are peas in a pod and I caught him commiserating with her that "it really is special, huh"?  I'm in for it.  But oh, it just melts my heart.